Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A childs self-esteem

            Most of children in Malaysia having low self-esteem. This situation will make it children talk or comunicate with people around them. Children will be marginalized if situation not resolved. Let's find out what needed to do.
           Measures to enhance the self-esteem of children is give children attention and love. Parents are important to enhance the self-esteem of children. Happen to other family, there is a situation in which one child feel them less and not loved by parents and other siblings, they put the failure of their achievement as the cause why they have not loved. Children also felt themselves marginalized because of striking in terms of ability and talent than other siblings. In this situation, children have to be convinced that love received does not depend on achievement or their talents. They need to know that every child has the advantages and weaknesses of each.

          Besides, parents should not compare their children with other children. This will make them more not existing self-esteem , but they will try to do something to get attention of their parents, but unfortunately each action they do often deemed incorrect and will blame them in the event of desired. Parents need to be intelligent and identify the potential in every child and should play a role in helping to highlight their potential.

           In addition, trained to assume a responsibility such as littering, fold cloth, washing dishes, making homes and many more tasks to be practiced to children. In this way, the child can feel that he is able to perform themselves at once can pride their parents which increase self-esteem in children.

          Moreover, give praise to children because children also have feelings. Words of praise can increase self-esteem of children. This will make the children to rise more strive to do their best because the one praise and appreciation interests in each whatever good them do.

          Therefore, parents should play an important role to enhance the self-esteem of children because children will only depend on their parents. With this, children will continue to be more confident and develop themselves.

                                                       Image result for children self-esteem

                                                                written by Farah Najihah Yusof

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