Tuesday, January 1, 2019


   Nowadays obesity  becoming in our country especially in  children.Having the word population including malaysia practing a no   n sincere way of life from rapid developpment.There are various factors that can contribute to the occurrence of obesity  including imbalance in consumption and energy consumption .This obesity stems from rapid delelopment and increased equiment development that limits the use of manpower.

      Next ,factor that can cause obesity discase is unhealthy food intalce .This imbalance of unliealty food contributes to obesity.Less nutritious foods such as snacks are known to contain various chemicals that cause disease.In addition , in Malaysia ,the in crease of obesity among 7-10 year old children is 6.69%.for age 7 to 13% for  years age 12%.Obesity is a chronic disease that causes varisous illnesses to children .For example of diabetes,respiratory problems and etc.

   Nutrition is important for humans these days because of the way nutrition very influence the occurrence of obesity .In Malaysia which is the standard of living and modernity has also changed the way of life of the person including food choice and food habitats .The existence of supermarkets and food premises growing has  allowed growing food.Choices has enabled many food choices for individuals.Now this has become the trend of the many more restaurant  food choices forward business hours until late into the night or 24 hours.This  has been encouraging individuals to take food in the late night .fast food and soft drinks of high value in calories either fat or sugar intake habits more .Unhealthy snacks and the size of servings too large is also a practice among Malaysians.All this practice is the practice of nutrition is not healty food calorie intake causing excess of necessities.Body weight increase will cause obesity

   Culture ,too can affect the behavior of the contributing to the problem of obesity.Some communities accept overweight as something  normal and they encourage more excessive food intake behavior ,This behavior strengthened with the support of the family ,parents and others .The influence of social can be a powerful factor in take the behavior of food intake and weight  management.It is a habit for people take the food with the family as one of the activities to strengement .It is a habit for people  togetherness .Take food away from becoming a potential to be excessive  and have  a fat promoting the intake of food away.

   Unrelated nutrition behavior is behavior of everyday life sitting and sleeping with old.Applying the elevator compared walk contributed to the minimal energy consumption and contributes to the obesity problems .Technology the current time cause minimal movement energy consumption.Current environment causing increasing time  constraints for sports and the rising .While his conduct related nutrition is also among the main factors that cause obesity .This is true so  due to excessive food intake increasing stimulus response related  to nutrition received a great meal and nutrition rapidly cause more food can be taken before feel fullness also led to the occurrence of obesity among children in Malaysian.


                                                                               By:NURUL ATHIRAH ARIF

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